Text and Data Mining Support | Penn Libraries

Text and Data Mining Support. Interested in identifying patterns, relationships, and trends through the computational analysis of large amounts of textual ...

Text and Data Mining Support with RDDS | Penn Libraries

Text and Data Mining Support with RDDS. What is Text and Data Mining? What is Computational Text Analysis? What Text and Data Mining (TDM) ...

TV Series on DVD

Old Hard to Find TV Series on DVD

Text Analysis - Guides at Penn Libraries

A Venn diagram of the intersection of text mining and six related fields (shown as TDM can help reveal new patterns or information from a large ...

Analyzing and Visualizing Text with Constellate and ProQuest TDM ...

You can find the Penn Libraries guide to Text and Data Mining at guides.library.upenn.edu/penntdm. ... Constellate is a new text and data analytics service from ...

Text mining: Web-based resources - Library Guides - Penn State

Text Mining (sometimes called Data Mining) is a popular way to 'read' large collections of language-associated data.

Research Data & Digital Scholarship | Penn Libraries

Watch recorded workshops on text mining, data visualization, R and Python, GIS, data ethics, data management, and more. More live training opportunities coming ...

Data Mining - Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania

Constellate and Proquest TDM Studio are library services that allow researchers to mine data from a variety of sources and start visualizing, analyzing, and ...

Data Discovery and Reuse | Penn State University Libraries

Schedule a consultation for advice and support on finding and/or reusing data. Contact our team for information, training, and presentation requests. Resources.

Work With RDDS - Penn Libraries - University of Pennsylvania

Penn Libraries' Research Data and Digital Scholarship team works with the Penn community in a number of different ways.

ProQuest TDM Studio - Text Analysis - Guides at Penn Libraries

TDM Studio, by ProQuest, is a text and data mining solution for research, teaching and learning. Proficiency in R or Python programming ...